Are you looking for an engine or some sort of operating system for your extreme environment? Here at Ace Power Products, LLC, we tell you all about APECS’s new product line. We are very excited about this product line because we know that it will benefit so many people in different ways. Woodward governor parts have always been extremely reliable and efficient, but our new products are even more impressive than ever. For those of you who are not familiar with APECS products in general, our controllers use both digital controllers that are electronic and a linear actuator or rotary to speed up engines. With speed control that our products provide for engines helps to influence engines to run more efficiently on their own and not use any extra energy than they need to. Even though our products normally ship in the United States, we offer a ton of worldwide shipping and sales because people are so invested in what our products can do. So don’t miss out!


Our Product Line

You probably want to know more about our line of products specifically and what products are in it. You cannot go wrong with any Woodward governor parts, but we are especially proud of this line. First, there is the APECS 4500 controller. This works with both construction and commercial vehicles and helps with engines, compressors, and systems in general. Second, there is the APECS 0154 Linear Actuator. This has the purpose of helping fuel pumps and sending any response for controls. Third, there’s the APECS 0174 Linear Actuator 1.75 inches which has a string return. This also senses responses as well as benefits industrial, agricultural, and construction equipment. Fourth, we have the APECS 500 Speed Control, which is known for its easy operation system, and simplicity which meets many needs of the market. Last, there is the APECS GBA Rotary Actuator, which is great for generating power in both mobile and stationary products. 


More Benefits 

We don’t want to leave out any details because we want you to truly know how beneficial our Woodward governor parts are. Even though they are all different, they all accomplish similar benefits. Here are more of the general benefits that they offer: 

  • Construction control 
  • Industrial 
  • Agricultural 
  • Electronic systems 
  • Governs speed 
  • Vehicles such as pump sets, forklifts, boats, and wood chippers 
  • Mounted easily 
  • Connected directly 


Products You Can Trust 

Above all else, we want you to build trust in our products. That is why we are so passionate about explaining everything about them, so you can gain insight into how exceptional they are. We understand how frustrating it is to have an insufficient machine for any system that you are operating, so we diligently design products that everyone can benefit from. Plus, with our large variety, you can rest assured that one of our APECS products will be perfect for you. 


Contact Us 

Ace Power Products, LLC are professionals who design products that you can rely on. You will be amazed by our new product line and how efficient your systems will run with our products. You can easily install our parts and have your system working in no time. So call or visit us today in the United States for more information.